Storm & Stress

Under Thunder And Fluorescent Light

Under Thunder And Fluorescent Light

Storm and Stress

去年の終わり頃に手に入れました、Storm & Stress。このCD、透明なケースに透明なシールが貼ってあって、あとはCD以外何も付いていないというシンプルを極めたデザイン。珍しくて好きです。
BATTLESのIan Williamsが在籍してたバンドで、この2ndアルバムはJim O'Rourkeのプロデュース。



Chicago/New York experimental rock trio Storm & Stress is electric guitarist and singer Ian Williams (of Don Caballero), drummer Kevin Shea and bassist Erich Ehm (of Golan Globus). Named for the German literary movement, Sturm und Drang, the band recorded their first album, Storm and Stress, with Steve Albini in early 1997. It was released in July of that same year on Touch & Go. In June and July of 1999, Storm & Stress recorded their follow-up album with Jim O'Rourke, this time with guest appearances by not only Micah Gaugh, who also performed on their first release, but by drummer Jim Black, as well. Under Thunder & Fluorescent Lights was released in early 2000 on Touch & Go.

Storm & Stressという名前はドイツの文学革新運動「疾風怒濤(シュトルム・ウント・ドランク/Sturm und Drang)」のことだったのか。